Wood Wharf, on the Isle of Dogs, will undertake a total transformation from former docklands area to new urban centre. The large mixed-use development will include over 3,100 new homes, 35,000 m2 of retail, a hotel, community facilities and a school. In addition, the development will provide 285,000 m2 of commercial floorspace that will accommodate the creation of 17,000 jobs.
Steer supported the Canary Wharf Group in developing the masterplan planning application at Wood Wharf and achieving outline planning permission in December 2014.
Steer worked closely with the Canary Wharf Group and the masterplan architect, Allies and Morrison, to develop a scheme that will integrate proposed buildings into a new road system and public realm, including parks and footpaths.
In addition, following the success of the outline application, we are continuing to support the Canary Wharf Group in the preparation of detailed reserved matters planning applications, including developing strategies for the phased introduction of each development plot, specifically considering car parking, pedestrian & cyclist access, servicing and waste management.
Steer provided advice on all aspects of transport for the masterplan, contributing to the development of an integrated design with the architects. In order to enable a smooth application process, we advised the client and architect on local and regional transport policies throughout, including the provision of cycle parking, car parking, highway layout, pedestrian access and waste and servicing strategies. Whilst preparing the detailed reserved matters applications, we continue to contribute towards the highway design for the masterplan scheme, whilst also advising on temporary arrangements during construction.
In addition, our team has designed innovative servicing and waste strategies to make the most efficient use of space within the basement, thus helping maximise the use of basement space for revenue generating operations.