Bikeability is the award scheme for national standard cycle training in England, funded by the Department for Transport (DfT). Established in the mid-2000s, the scheme has grown considerably. It now trains over 275,000 children per year using DfT funding distributed to local highway authorities and school sports partnerships.
Steer has supported the Bikeability programme in various forms since its inception and pilot 2006-07. Since 2010 we have provided comprehensive core support services including the administration and payment of cycle training to local authorities, advice and support to stakeholders and registration of new Bikeability providers.
In addition to these core support services, we have led several development projects including establishing a quality assurance system, developing the National Standards underpinning Bikeability, and conducting research projects into the effectiveness of the scheme.
In the early years, we supported the rollout of the scheme by establishing quality assurance processes and supporting local authorities as they transitioned into this national scheme.
The level of DfT grant funding has now increased to over £11m per year. We have developed and implemented processes to ensure this funding is used effectively and reallocated among grant recipients in a timely way if required.
Independent research commissioned by our team has demonstrated the road safety and hazard perception impacts of the scheme, helping to support the case for continued investment.