Steer supported Northern Trains Limited (NTL) and Derbyshire County Council (DCC) to explore opportunities at Buxton rail station, located at the boundary of the Peak District National Park in Derbyshire.
To deliver NTL’s Station as a Place programme, development briefs are being developed for the larger and more complex train stations on the railway, including this development brief specifically for Buxton station. Buxton was selected as an exemplar station to make minor improvements to the rail station itself to complement the bus and mobility hub enhancements funded by DCC, including potential sustainability initiatives. The mobility hub concept aimed to generate economic benefits for the wider community and revenue for NTL, as well as making use of existing and underused buildings at the station.
We explored the options and recommendations for how Buxton rail station can be improved for the benefit of rail users, other station users and as an appropriate gateway to Buxton’s town centre, which is located within close proximity but currently feels disconnected. A key improvement was to develop multi-modal connectivity to the station through funding from DCC to deliver mobility hub enhancements at the station. We categorised these into ‘Core’ elements (e.g. communal parcel lockers) and ‘Value-add’ elements that could be introduced at a later stage with more funding (e.g. co-working meeting hub/space), following CoMo UK mobility hub guidance.
Successes and outcomes
Proposals were put forward by Steer for the redevelopment of the station, including a ‘Do Minimum’ and ‘Do Significant’ option. Indicative layout plans and a Development Brief report were provided to NTL and DCC to take forward for future design stages and accurate costings, which incorporated feedback received from a variety of private and public sector stakeholders.
The transferable tasks and skills acquired through this feasibility project include the following:
- Comprehensive analysis of existing site, services and transport connections.
- Detailed selection of mobility hub components to meet the objectives of local strategies.
- Concept design drawings of mobility hubs.
- Calculation of indicative costs for the implementation of each element within the different options.
- Recommendations for next steps on procuring and implementing the mobility hub.