Despite the fact that Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) have become more prominent in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean, the Interamerican and Development Bank identified a significant knowledge gap from government officials, in regards to the technical components, functionality, and governance needs of these systems.
In order to address the knowledge gap, the Interamerican Development Bank hired Steer to develop the course content, pedagogical structure, and inputs for an online course that would be used for the capacity building of government officials in the region.
The course included a wide range of themes considered key for the implementation of these systems successfully. The key themes considered in the course included: hardware and software elements of ITS, system architecture, manifestations of ITS in different transport systems including disruptive technologies, Smart Cities, data definitions and implications, governance and normative considerations, and a road map for implementation.
The course also included a variety of dynamic teaching materials including interviews, case studies, and practical applications from the region and the world that aimed to concretize some of the complex themes included in the course.
Successes and outcomes
Steer´s involvement in the course has gone beyond its development, as the project team has successfully finished teaching one session of the module and is about to begin with its second round of students.
The thoughtful development of the course has contributed to making knowledge on ITS systems digestible to government officials without previous training in the topics. This ensures a successful application of ITS in the region.