We’re proud to say that for the 13th year in a row, Steer has been named as one of the 'Top 100 UK Companies for Graduates to Work For', by 'The Job Crowd'.
With a ranking of 21st for the second year in a row, this achievement reflects the high value we place on our graduates. At Steer, we understand that our talented employees make our company what it is; and our career beginners are not only an important part of our present but a key part of the future.
Not only did we place in the top 25 yet again overall, but we topped the list in the ‘Enjoyment of Role’ category and ranked second in the ‘Environment and Ethical Awareness’, ‘Career Progression’ and 'Consulting' categories.
The ‘Top 100 Companies for Graduates to Work For’ is based on graduate employee feedback, meaning that our high ranking comes from our grads themselves.
Companies are ranked on various aspects of their company set-up and graduate roles. Steer has consistently scored high in the ‘Company Culture,’ ‘Colleagues,’ ‘Work-life Balance,’ and ‘Training’ categories.
We are also currently recruiting graduates for our exciting new scheme at Amberside Advisors; you can read more about this one-of-a-kind opportunity here.