Steer Davies Gleave sponsors 2014 Hackney Cycling Conference

The annual Hackney Cycling Conference is taking place this year on June 6th at the Hackney Picture House.

Steer Davies Gleave is pleased to be sponsoring the conference which will explore the issues currently affecting London’s cyclists and examine the schemes that are committed to encouraging more people to cycle in the capital. Every year the conference attracts a mix of transport professionals, politicians, academics and campaigners that are involved in influencing an increase in safe cycling in the UK.

SDG’s Deputy Head of Planning, Peter Piet will be presenting on the day and taking part in a panel discussion. Peter’s presentation will focus on developing Kingston’s successful Mini Holland bid.

Other presenters throughout the day include: Andrew Gilligan, London Cycling Commissioner, Klaus Bondham, Director at Danish Cyclists’ Federation and Tom Platt, Living Streets.

Attend the conference

As London’s number one borough for cycling, the Hackney Cycling Conference offers unrivalled access to those in the know and a unique opportunity to explore these issues.

Steer Davies Gleave and cycling

Steer Davies Gleave’s cycling team covers all aspects of cycling, sharing best practice and providing client support all around the world. We have experts in infrastructure, promotion, information, data, training, consultation and economics, and our team has been trusted to give expert advice to national, regional and local governments. We also have a deep understanding of the campaigning and cycling industry. Find out more about our recent work on the Kingston Mini-Hollands project here.


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