Steer Davies Gleave to manage DfT’s Bikeability programme

The Department for Transport (DfT) has announced its decision to appoint Steer Davies Gleave to deliver its Bikeability support services, a contract which will run until 2015 subject to contract extensions.

Steer Davies Gleave will team with Paul Robison, Steve Garidis and Phillip Darnton, key figures in the development and roll-out of Bikeability, who together with our experienced team of consultants will offer DfT unrivalled knowledge of the Bikeability scheme.

Steer Davies Gleave Project Manager Simon Hollowood said, “We are delighted that the DfT has selected Steer Davies Gleave to provide support for up to  three and a half years. We can build on our extensive experience to provide a comprehensive and cost-effective service. We look forward to helping to ensure the Bikeability name and product continues to flourish and leads to more and safer cycling.”

In addition to the day to day management of the Bikeability scheme, we will administer the payment of DfT cycle training grants to Local Authorities and School Games Organiser Host Schools. The grant fund is worth £11m in the year 2011-12, equivalent to up to 275,000 child training places.

Paul Robison said, “I am proud of Bikeability and of what it has achieved so far. However, there is much more still to be done and I look forward to working with SDG and DfT to make sure it remains the best cycle training scheme in the world.”

The Department’s decision to merge the four existing contracts means we can provide DfT and stakeholders – Local Authorities, School Games Organiser Host Schools and training providers – with a complete support service and single point of contact, helping to save the government an estimated £1.2m over the life of the contract.

Transport Minister, Norman Baker, said: "This government is strongly committed to cycling.  Enabling children to learn to cycle safely and confidently on today’s roads plays a valuable role in creating a new generation of cyclists. That is why we took the decision to safeguard the future of Bikeability with the aim of giving as many children as possible the opportunity to take part in Bikeability cycle training.”

Notes for Journalists:

  • Department for Transport press release, New Bikeability support contract signifies government commitment
  • Steer Davies Gleave was one of four companies who were invited to tender. One later withdrew leaving three suppliers who submitted bids to the Department. Our winning bid combines services previously shared across four contracts.
  • Between 2008 and 2011 Steer Davies Gleave delivered two parallel DfT contracts advising on Bikeability and also the National Standard for cycle training that underpins this Bikeability programme.

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