Mike Goggin scoops Station Design and Construction Award

Steer Davies Gleave Director Mike Goggin has won an award for Outstanding Achievement in Station Design & Construction.

The award was presented at the Future of Sustainable Design (FOSD) Awards ceremony which, in combination with the annual FOSD conference, brought together a mix of rail design professionals, senior Network Rail and TOC executives and key sector suppliers. They gathered to discuss, amongst other topics, how well rail stations are integrated, both within their geographical location and with other transport modes, and how all transport hubs can work together to create a more seamless passenger experience.

Mike, who was previously Director of Stations and Customer Service at Network Rail, has been involved in a range of consulting projects in his career. These range from the design and operation of large stations in Saudi Arabia, value for money reviews of rail services, the procurement of tram services and rolling stock. Mike now leads our international advisory business supporting our local teams in offering high quality and practical investment, management and technical advice in the rail and mass transit markets.


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