LSTF: Good programme management is key to delivery

For successful authorities and partnerships, the next big challenge is delivery.

This will require further development and refinement of programmes, ongoing engagement with partners and local communities, scheme design and project planning, liaising with the Department for Transport (DfT), delivery itself, and monitoring. No mean feat, especially given the large volumes of funding to be spent before the end of the financial year. Good programme management is key to successful delivery - pulling together numerous projects on time, to budget, and to quality, with the buy-in of local partners.

Programme development: Integration of strategic thinking, technical expertise, and local knowledge to develop detailed costings, phasing and resourcing of projects, alongside engagement with local partners and communities.

Engagement with partners and local communities: Collaborative working to secure buy-in of local partners. The package of interventions needs to meet the objectives of partners as well as the objectives of LSTF and the bid. 

Scheme design and project planning: Determine the feasibility and business case for each intervention, including designs and method, costs, timescales, staff resources, risks, and any contractual / procurement requirements.

Liaising with the DfT: maintain regular contact to build relations and understand any issues arising from central government, and to input into the monitoring and evaluation process. 

Delivery: the right officer and contracted resources to overcome the on-the-ground challenges of converting plans on paper into reality, with quality execution to time and to budget.

Monitoring: Monitor scheme performance to track progress against plan, and to capture lessons learnt, benchmark standards, and help share good practice. The life of a project doesn’t stop at implementation!

Steer Davies Gleave has extensive experience in the delivery of large local transport programmes, including specific areas like Smarter Choices, cycling, walking, and public transport programmes. For more information on how Steer Davies Gleave can help you, please contact Steven Bishop or David Moffat.


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