Silvia Mejia Reza

Associate & Planning Market Leader for Mexico

Silvia leads the planning area in our Mexico office. She is a specialist in urban planning and sustainable urban development, working across Mexico and Colombia. Her experience has focused on the analysis and research of strategic urban sustainable planning for cities at different scales. She currently leads projects related to sustainable urban mobility, urban logistics, parking strategies among others.

Prior to joining Steer, Silvia worked as a consultant in UN Habitat in Colombia and Mexico and was an advisor in the Vice Ministry of Urban Planning of the Ministry of Social Development. She also worked in the housing sector for five years.

Silvia is also currently teaching urban theory for the Tec de Monterrey.

Articles and insights by this expert

27 Jun 2024

Ten Mobility Challenges for Mexico

The results of the presidential elections on 2 June invite us to reflect on the challenges facing our cities in terms of planning and mobility. 

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